Ice is Nice…Especially for Teething Pups!
Poor Korben is teething. My
daughter was the first to notice, she found some blood on one of his favorite
toys. I took a peek inside his mouth, sure enough, he had lost one of his baby incisors. So it begins, the teething process.
From experience I learned chewing
on cold objects can help make teething more comfortable. Cold causes blood
vessels to constrict, leading to a decrease in blood flow to the area, ultimately
inflammation, swelling, and pain.
When Leeloo was teething I
found that chilled carrots, frozen fruit like strawberries, hard rubber chew toys
and bones, all provided her a reprieve from the pain and discomfort. It was
also then when we discovered the magical combination of soothing relief, chewing/crunching
satisfaction, and mesmerizing fun of good ole fashion ice cubes.
Ice Cubes For Play:
My shepherds love playing
with ice, and let’s be honest, is there anything cuter than watching a dog
chase a slippery ice-cube around the house? Leeloo will even sit in front of the refrigerator ice maker and wait for an ice-cube treat.
A favorite my daughter likes to play with the dogs is catch. She starts with having the dog sit two feet in front of her, then tosses underhand a cube up in the air for the dog to catch with their mouth. Korben usually drops his on the floor, pounces, then chases it around. Leeloo on the other hand crushes and eats her’s. Catch is not only a great bonding activity, it also helps reinforce training.
Ice Cube Dangers:
In general, giving your dogs ice cubes is safe.
The biggest dangers with ice are:
Bloat: Contrary to what some may have heard, bloat is not directly associated with eating ice. However, drinking a large amount of water may. Like with everything else, moderation is the key.
My personal favorite is to place a bowl full of cubes on the kitchen floor and watch the shepherds have a free for all. I love watching Leeloo and Korben take turns snarfing a cube out of the bowl.
Another fun activity that is also great for the warmer months is what we call “fishing for ice.” We put ice cubes in the water dish or a kiddie pool and let Leeloo play. Not only does it help keep her cool, it’s also fun watching her splash and bob the ice around until they’ve melted or have been eaten.
Ice Cubes for Health:
According to the AKC,
ice has many health benefits. When needed, ice cubes can “…be used to slow down
the rate of ingestion of water by overly excited dogs or to adjust the rate and
amount of water a dog takes in.
Veterinarians recommend offering ice cubes as a way to slowly introduce water to dogs recovering from surgeries or as a tryout after vomiting episodes associated with gastroenteritis…"
Recently when Leeloo was sick, we used ice cubes to help prevent dehydration. My husband made cubes out of 50/50 water and plain chicken broth - they were a hit! You can also make them with other clear liquids such as unflavored Pedialyte.
Veterinarians recommend offering ice cubes as a way to slowly introduce water to dogs recovering from surgeries or as a tryout after vomiting episodes associated with gastroenteritis…"
Recently when Leeloo was sick, we used ice cubes to help prevent dehydration. My husband made cubes out of 50/50 water and plain chicken broth - they were a hit! You can also make them with other clear liquids such as unflavored Pedialyte.
Ice Cube Dangers:
In general, giving your dogs ice cubes is safe. The biggest dangers with ice are:
- Broken Teeth: Ice cubes, especially larger and harder ones, have been known to cause tooth breakage in dogs
- Choking: Large or hard pieces of ice may cause your dog to choke, same with extremely cold ice cubes as they can stick to their tongue
Bloat: Contrary to what some may have heard, bloat is not directly associated with eating ice. However, drinking a large amount of water may. Like with everything else, moderation is the key.
Bottom line, ice is nice. So
the next time your furbaby is hot or in need of some relief give him some ice,
he’ll appreciate it! Please note: I always supervise my dogs when giving them
Does your dog love ice? Let us know in the comments section below!
Does your dog love ice? Let us know in the comments section below!
Leeloo and Korben waiting patiently for ice. |